Friday, August 21, 2009

Great Start, lousy follow through

It has been many months since I started this blog and many months since my last post. The reason is that I really haven't progressed from where I was in terms of setting up an online business.

I came down with a crippling case of information overload. The more information I got the more confused I became. Given the amount of information out there I believe there are many would-be internet entrepeneurs out there who are feeling the same.

When I wrote my first post, I was all fired up, I had thought about what I wanted to achieve and had taken what I considered inspired action (others may not agree). And so I posted my second article and then, nothing, no more inspiration. A few weeks later the idea had gone right out of my head as life moved on.

So it is with a lot of things in life. We decide we want something, often without putting much thought into it. This becomes our goal. We get excited, telling only our closest friends and confidantes or keeping it quietly to ourselves.

We start out gung-ho, carried along on a wave of enthusiasm. Beginnings are exciting, following through when the going gets a little bit tougher is hard.

More often than not, the goals we set are not the things that we truly want, but what we believe we should have or what others want for us. They are not in alignment with our beliefs and values and they are not in alignment with our true purpose in life.

We may work at it for a while, but that is exactly what it is … work, struggle! Time passes, it doesn’t materialize and we get disheartened. We begin to doubt, this was not meant to be, who are we to have such high notions?

In short, we aim to fail. And failure has its payoffs. Success takes hard work, failure takes very little. Most of us don’t like hard work. Because hard work without a plan is often wasted effort. Hard work on a goal you don’t really truly want, that is even worse.

In my next post I am going to write about goal setting. We all need ‘em!