Thursday, June 18, 2009

Looking for Focus, finding Information Overload

In the week since my first post, I have continued to research potential online business opportunities. The problem with researching online is the amount of information that is available ... google Affiliate Marketing and get 20 million results plus paid ads. Being naturally cautious and a bit sceptical I have to google the results – is this a scam or a potential winner. This all takes valuable time, isn't the whole point of an online business to give you more time to do things you enjoy. The result of cyber time-wasting is that I don’t get time to read any of the websites or blogs I have subscribed to or any of the free ebooks I have downloaded.

The main problem at this point is a lack of focus and a clear direction. Right now I don’t have a clearly defined goal or set of goals rather a general direction in which I am heading even if I am taking the long way round. The more I read, the less clear I become.

Ever have this problem, I’d love to hear.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taking the first step to creating an online business

The accepted wisdom about blogging is to blog about what you know. But if we only do what we know how will we learn and grow. Take me for example. I recently decided, or perhaps due to economic circumstance it was decided for me, to endeavour to create an online business.

I have worked with computers all my working life but have never created a web page from scratch and have no idea where to start in creating an online business.

Having thought long and hard about this over the last few weeks something told me to begin my online adventure by creating a blog about creating an online income but I have never created a blog before and to the best of my knowledge I don’t know anyone who has, and I know very little about creating income online. Fear masked as the voice of Reason then took over

... what will you write about? ... will it be any good? ... will anyone be interested? ... what makes you think you will be successful where others have failed? ...

The list is endless. In spite of this internal nay-saying the idea remained and so after a few attempts and some scarily blank pages here is my first attempt.

Do I know the answers to any of those questions? Of course I don’t! But I’ll never know unless I try. What I will know is if something is working or if it not. If it is successful then do more of the same, if not, just try something else. Isn’t that the advice we are given in all walks of life.

I am sure there are many out there like me, confused by the amount of information out there on the subject of creating an online business. There are many systems available guaranteeing five figure monthly incomes – simply follow my easy step by step guide.

With so many systems out there how do you choose the right one? If you have advice I'd love to hear.